Chief Functionary

  1. NAME :           Dr. A. AROKIASAMY      AGE : 75           SEX : Male

Doctorate in Religious Integration.

Doctorate in Literature D.Lit.,

Phone   :     0091-4153-267261 / 267248

Fax       :     0091-4146-224050

Mobil    :     0091-9442617261

E-mail   :


  1. DATE OF BIRTH :           14.05.1942
  1. CAST :           Adi – Dravida – Dalit,               RELIGION  :  Christian R.C
  1. PROFESSION EXPERIENCE :           Head Master of Government High School ( 32-Years)

Social Worker – 39 Years in 150 villages.

  1. POSITION IN PMD – SOCIETY (NGO):        President (Election once in 3-Years)
  1. (a) Service in PMD                                     :           42 -Years.
  1. PROJECT AREA OF OPERATION EXPERTISE                                     :          150-Villages.


  1. EXPERTISE :                                          –     Cultural Activities on Dalit rights – Human rights – Women rights.

–     Organisation – Mass Education Resource Persons for

–     Leadership Training Consultant for NGO – at District level.

–     Resource person for sex – gender – communication skill.

–     Panchayat Raj and adult education.


  1. MARITAL :                                         –     Married Living with wife and 3-Children.
  1. TRAINING UNDERGONE:            –    Studied in Coady international institute-NS Canada in the year 1982 on social development for 6 months

–     Attended Geneva – UNO – Conference in 2000.

–     Indian Social Institute – Bangalore and Delhi. ISI Legal studies

–     National Institute of Rural Development – Hyderabad. NIRD on Management 3 months course on Rural Development.

–    Participatory Rural Appraisal Training – Musori

–     Attended NGO – summit in Denmark-1994.

–     Attended Microcredit programme in Washington 1998.


  1. LINKAGES – MEMBERSHIPS:          Treasurer – Dalit Christian Devpt Forum

Convenor – Federation of Social Action Groups

Member – Diocesan Education Council – Pondy

Diocesan Dalit Christian Development Committee – member in monitoring committees

Co-ordinator – Joint Action Committee of the Christians of Scheduled caste Origin.

Resource Persons – Village Level’s Training.

Resource Persons – Gender Sensitization Training.

CONSORT – Madurai – Executive Member.

Small Savings Scheme – Member.

VANI – Member.

ICSW – Members.

CRF – Member.

Bio-gas District level committee member.

Peace Committee member – District Collectorate.

Member in Credible Alliance India


  1. LANGUAGE KNOWN :            –    English and Tamil.
  2.  AREA OF INTEREST :               Dalit Movement for social development.

Rural Development Programme and Food Producation – Natural Cultivation.

Formation of Village Level Association and Co-op Society.

Remedial Education – eradication of Child Labour-drop outs.

Empowerment of Rural Women – Rural women Movement.

Dalit Social Development and Human Right.

Rural Students Development Programme.

CAMPS – Campaign.

Savings – income generation.

Youth Movement.

Rural School Construction programme.

Provide home for Homeless.

Grow more trees.

Total Sanitation.


  1. Permanent address :                     Church Street

Door No. 503 – B

Mangalapuram – Kakkanur B.O.

Via – Kedar – 605 402.

Villupuram T.K. & District, Tamil Nadu, India.

Phone: 04153 – 267248 / 267247

Mobile: 9442617261

Fax     :     0091-4146-224050

E-mail :


16. Details of the Awards : Brief information – PMD – Chief Functionary.

  • Best NGO – Award was given by Thiru. K. Balachandran.I.A.S., District collector of villupuram for the effective Implementation of Total Sanitation scheme activities in Villupuram District.,
  • Ambedkar Fellowhip Award – was given by Bharathiya Dalit Sahitya Akademi in recognition of the commendable social and cultural service and upliftment of Downtrodden – oppressed and Depressed people of the country by Arokiasamy.
  • Ambedkar National award was given by Bbarathiya Dalit sahitya Akademi in recognition of social service rendered by Arokiasamy for the downtrodden people of India.
  • Life Achiever award by Bharadhidasan Peravai for the Best social service rendered by Arokiasamy for the past 30-years along with Teaching job in a constructive way.
  • Doctorate in Fostering inter Religious Integration Award by all Panchayat Presidents for Mr. Arokiasamy for his selfless service by promoting Religious Harmony in Kakkanur Village with all religious 2003.
  • Doctorate degree in Literature for Arokiasamy was given by the Srilankan International Open University in the year March’2007.
  • Diploma in Social Development Coady Int. Institute – Canada -1982.
  • Diploma in Cooperative and Development – Canada in 1994.
  • Geneva 2000 Forum – June28, 2000 – WIPO – B paper presented on Dalit movement and their development.
  • Best NGO – Award in Garches – Paris – France – By French Mayor in 1998.
  • Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Service Award – President to Dr. A.Arokiasamy by Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India (CBCI) for his service to the church and Society on 25th May2016.